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std::variant is Hard to Use!

·1354 words·7 mins· ·
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std::variant was introduced into the C++ standard library in C++17. This article will discuss the background of its inclusion in the standard and some issues with its usage.

Sum Type

First, let’s discuss sum types, also known as tagged unions. A sum type is a type that can hold one of several possible types.

For example, consider the following two types:

struct Circle {
    double radius;

struct Rectangle {
    double width;
    double height;

The sum type of Circle and Rectangle, let’s call it Shape, can be implemented in C as follows:

struct Shape {
    enum Type { Circle, Rectangle } type;

    union {
        struct Circle circle;
        struct Rectangle rectangle;

Here, we use a feature called anonymous union, which declares a union member of the corresponding type and injects the field names into the current scope.

This allows us to assign values of different types to a variable of type Shape, while updating the type to reflect the current assignment. When accessing the value, we can determine how to access it based on the type. For example:

void foo(Shape shape) {
    if(shape.type == Shape::Circle) {
        Circle c =;
        printf("circle: radius is %f\n", c.radius);
    } else if(shape.type == Shape::Rectangle) {
        Rectangle r = shape.rectangle;
        printf("rectangle: width is %f, height is %f\n", r.width, r.height);

int main() {
    Shape shape;
    shape.type = Shape::Circle; = 1.0;
    shape.type = Shape::Rectangle;
    shape.rectangle.width = 1.0;
    shape.rectangle.height = 2.0;

Not Trivial

However, things are not so simple in C++. Consider the following code:

struct Settings {
    enum class Type { int_, double_, string } type;

    union {
        int i;
        double d;
        std::string s;

int main(){
    Settings settings;
    settings.type = Settings::Type::String;
    settings.s = std::string("hello");

This code will not compile. The compiler will report an error: use of deleted function Settings::Settings(). Why is the constructor of Settings deleted? This is because the constructor of std::string is not trivial. When a union contains members of non-trivial types, the compiler cannot correctly generate constructors and destructors (it doesn’t know which member to initialize or destruct). For more details, refer to the union section on cppreference.

How can we solve this? We need to define the constructor and destructor for the union ourselves. For example, we can define an empty constructor and destructor that do nothing:

union Value {
    int i;
    double d;
    std::string s;

    Value() {}
    ~Value() {}

struct Settings {
    enum class Type { int_, double_, string } type;
    Value value;

When using this, we need to explicitly call the constructor to initialize a member using placement new, and similarly, we need to manually call the destructor to destroy a member.

int main(){
    Settings settings;

    settings.type = Settings::Type::string;
    new (&settings.value.s) std::string("hello");
    std::cout << settings.value.s << std::endl;

    settings.type = Settings::Type::int_;
    new (&settings.value.i) int(1);
    std::cout << settings.value.i << std::endl;

Note that you cannot directly assign here. The assignment operation actually calls the member function operator=, and only objects that have already been initialized can call member functions.

From the above code, it’s clear that directly using union to represent sum types in C++ is very cumbersome. Not only do you need to update the type in time, but you also need to correctly call constructors and destructors, and be careful about the timing of assignments. If any step is forgotten, it can lead to undefined behavior, which is very frustrating. Fortunately, C++17 provides std::variant to solve this problem.


Let’s look at the code directly:

#include <string>
#include <variant>

using Settings = std::variant<int, bool, std::string>;

int main() {
    Settings s = {1};
    s = true;
    s = std::string("hello");

The above code is completely well-defined. Through template metaprogramming, variant handles object construction and destruction at the appropriate times.

It has an index member function that can get the index of the current type in the type list you provided.

Settings s;
s = std::string("hello"); // s.index() => 2
s = 1; // s.index() => 0
s = true; // s.index() => 1

You can use std::get to retrieve the corresponding value from the variant:

Settings s;
s = std::string("hello");
std::cout << std::get<std::string>(s); // => hello

Some might wonder, if I already know that it contains a string, why use std::variant? Note that get also has an overload with an integer template parameter. Can it solve this problem?

std::cout << std::get<2>(s); // => hello

Oh, I see. So if I can use index directly to get the value, why not write it like this?

std::cout << std::get<s.index()>(s);

Unfortunately, this won’t work. Template parameters must be compile-time constants, and variant, as a type-erasure mechanism, has an index that is definitely a runtime value. What to do? Dynamic to static, you can only dispatch one by one. For example:

if (s.index() == 0){
    std::cout << std::get<0>(s) << std::endl;
} else if (s.index() == 1){
    std::cout << std::get<1>(s) << std::endl;
} else if (s.index() == 2){
    std::cout << std::get<2>(s) << std::endl;

Using numbers is not very readable. We can use std::holds_alternative to make decisions based on types:

if (std::holds_alternative<std::string>(s)){
    std::cout << std::get<std::string>(s) << std::endl;
} else if (std::holds_alternative<int>(s)){
    std::cout << std::get<int>(s) << std::endl;
} else if (std::holds_alternative<bool>(s)){
    std::cout << std::get<bool>(s) << std::endl;

Although this works, there’s too much redundant code. Is there a better way to operate on the values inside a variant?


The name visit actually comes from the visitor pattern in design patterns. Using it, we can write the following code:

Settings s;
s = std::string("hello");
auto callback = [](auto&& value){ std::cout << value << std::endl; };
std::visit(callback, s); // => hello
settings = 1;
std::visit(callback, s); // => 1

Isn’t it magical? Just pass in a callback, and you can directly access the value inside the variant without any manual dispatching. In software engineering, there’s a golden rule: complexity doesn’t disappear, it just shifts. This is no exception. In fact, visit internally instantiates a function for each type in the variant for your callback, pre-generates a function table, and then at runtime, directly calls the function in the table based on the index.

But more often, we want to do different things based on different types. In other languages, this can be conveniently achieved through pattern matching.


data Settings = IntValue Int | BoolValue Bool | StringValue String
  deriving (Show, Eq)

match :: Settings -> IO ()
match (IntValue x) = putStrLn $ "Int: " ++ show (x + 1)
match (BoolValue x) = putStrLn $ "Bool: " ++ show (not x)
match (StringValue x) = putStrLn $ "String: " ++ (x ++ " ")


enum Settings{

fn main(){
    let settings = Settings::Int(1);
    match settings{
        Settings::Int(x) => println!("Int: {}", x + 1),
        Settings::Bool(x) => println!("Bool: {}", !x),
        Settings::String(x) => println!("String: {}", x + " "),

Unfortunately, as of C++23, C++ still lacks pattern matching. To achieve similar effects in C++, there are currently two ways to simulate it:

Function Overload:

template<typename ...Ts>
struct Overload : Ts... { using Ts::operator()...; };

template<typename ...Ts>
Overload(Ts...) -> Overload<Ts...>;

int main() {
    using Settings = std::variant<int, bool, std::string>;
    Overload overloads{
        [](int x) { std::cout << "Int: " << x << std::endl; },
        [](bool x) { std::cout << "Bool: " << std::boolalpha << x << std::endl; },
        [](std::string x) { std::cout << "String: " << x << std::endl; },
    Settings settings = 1;
    std::visit(overloads, settings);

if constexpr:

int main() {
    using Settings = std::variant<int, bool, std::string>;
    auto callback = [](auto&& value) {
        using type = std::decay_t<decltype(value)>;
        if constexpr(std::is_same_v<type, int>) {
            std::cout << "Int: " << value + 1 << std::endl;
        } else if constexpr(std::is_same_v<type, bool>) {
            std::cout << "Bool: " << !value << std::endl;
        } else if constexpr(std::is_same_v<type, std::string>) {
            std::cout << "String: " << value << std::endl;
    Settings settings = 1;
    std::visit(callback, settings);

Both methods are somewhat awkward. Using templates for such tricks not only slows down compilation but also makes error messages harder to understand. This also means that variant is currently very difficult to use, lacking the necessary language facilities to simplify its operations, deeply entangled with templates, and discouraging to many.